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印度民众集会抗议 要求提高最低工资标准至280美元(组图)
2017年09月15日 08:30:47 来源:新华网

当地时间2017年9月14日,印度班加罗尔,当地民众集会游行要求提高最低工资标准至18000卢比每月(约280美元)。***_***Activists shout slogans a protest rally called by the Centre of Indian Trade Unions (CITU) to demand a fix minimum wages to the Karnataka state government, in Bangalore on September 14, 2017. Protestors were demanding the state government to fix minimum monthly wage to Rs 18,000 ($280) apart from seeking provident fund and basic health insurance. MANJUNATH KIRAN


标签:印度;班加罗尔;游行;工资 责任编辑:金英磊


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