浙江在线9月3日讯 浙江与丝绸文化有着密切的关系。桑田、蚕房、丝绸店铺星罗棋布地镶嵌在浙江大地上。浙江人用自己的柔美与温婉,造就出了中国丝绸史上一抹靓丽的风景。
2008 年8月9日上午,位于北京奥林匹克公园内的“中国故事”正式开幕。浙江的“祥云小屋”内也以绚丽的丝绸开讲江南的美妙。一幅数米见方的大幅织锦“西湖全景图”拉开了“浙江丝绸故事”的序幕。
万事利是一家在杭州土生土长的丝绸企业,自从在2008年北京奥运会以一袭青花瓷礼服名噪一时之后,万事利一直新闻不断——斥巨资从国外赎回同治皇帝的真丝龙袍;花费三年时间从法国吉美博物馆复制了12幅敦煌藏经洞流失海外百年之久的千年古绢画;收购了法国顶级丝绸品牌MARC ROZIER;2015年“居然”聘请了前爱马仕纺织控股集团CEO担任企业品牌运营高管;万事利集团总裁李建华甚至作为中国企业家第一人登上央视《百家讲坛》开讲《红楼梦丝绸密码》;就在前不久,万事利集团还创下了一个世界之最——研发成功了目前世界上最薄的丝绸。
The history and culture of Zhejiang are interwoven with silk. Mulberry trees, silkworm farms, silk shops and factories can be found across the province in the south of Shanghai. The beautiful, soft and tender fabric made by the people of Zhejiang is a key chapter of the history of silk of China. The fact that the National Silk Museum of China is in Hangzhou speaks fluently and convincingly of the importance of the city as a silk producer.
That also explains why Zhejiang so proudly displayed silk in the Olympic Park of Beijing on August 9, 2008. A brocade tapestry on display, about several square meters large, presented a vista of the West Lake, the most beautiful lake of China. It was part of the silk presentation of Zhejiang to the world.
The silk story of Zhejiang can be told in the light of silk remains unearthed in 1958 at Qianshanyang in the southern suburb of Huzhou in northern Zhejiang. The remains go back to about 4,700 years ago, which equals to the early phase of Liangzhu Culture which flourished in what is now Zhejiang in the prehistoric times. The silk threads, silk bands and silk fabrics unearthed at the site are the most ancient silk products of the world.
Silk production can be seen in the story of Xi Shi, a beauty of the Warring States period more than 2,200 years ago. The girl was engaged in silk farming in her old home before she was presented to King Fuchai of the Wu State. The legend of Xi Shi testifies to the sericulture in Zhejiang two millennia ago.
Hangzhou became a national powerhouse of silk in the Tang Dynasty (618-907). When the city housed the royal family of the Southern Song Dynasty (1127-1279), silk producers thrived. Historical documentation indicates that a silk factory owned by the government employed several thousands of workers and operated hundreds of looms. A book written during the dynasty says that there were more than ten different silk products made in the city.
During the Ming and the Qing that spanned from the 14th to the early 20th century, Hangzhou flourished as a center of silk making. Northern Zhejiang was the country’s biggest textile producer. After the founding of the People’s Republic of China in 1949, silk made in Hangzhou was often presented as state gift to foreign state heads visiting China.
In September, 2009, the Sericulture and Silk Craftsmanship of China was inscribed on the Representative List of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO. A fine satin produced in Hangzhou is part of the key representatives of the heritage, which makes Hangzhou a key part of the heritage.
Silk is a part of the city’s history and culture. It is more than a consumer product. It also represents life, culture, history and art of the city. History has ample records of the city’s engagement in silk production. More than that, the city boasts a big wealth of silk-related stories, legends, poems, biographies, lifestyle, taboos and customs.
Wensli is a flagship silk business in Hangzhou. It made its national and international renown in 2008 when the silk award dresses made by Wensli for the Olympic Games 2008 Beijing attracted the attention of the world. Since 2008, Wensli has endeavored to go international and never looked back. It bought back from an international collector a silk imperial gown Emperor Tongzhi of the Qing (1644-1911) once wore. It reproduced 12 ancient Chinese silk paintings in the collection of Musée Guimet, France. It purchased Marc Rozier, a French fashion brand. Li Jianhua, CEO of Wensli, appeared in a CCTV program and spoke on the silk described in the timeless classical novel The Dream of Red Mansion. Just the other day, Wensli announced that it had invented the world’s thinnest silk.
Experts with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs confirm that Hangzhou used to be the departure point of the ancient Silk Road. The Belt & Road Initiative is a new opportunity for Hangzhou to grow stronger as a giant exporter.
Hangzhou has hosted an international symposium on silk six times and hosted China International Silk Expo for sixteen consecutive times. Jointly sponsored by the Ministry of Commerce and the Hangzhou Municipal People’s Government, the expo is the world’s biggest silk event.