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www.zjol.com.cn  2007年03月27日 20:39:02  浙江在线新闻网站


  The Eleventh Investment & Trade Forum for Cooperation between East & West China will be held at the beginning of April, 2007 in Xi'an, the capital of Shaanxi Province in West China where Western China Development is under way. Shaanxi enjoys countless business opportunities and broad investment space. To better provide convenience for home and abroad investors, we have put forward first batch of eight categories of 160 cooperative projects with a total investment of RMB50.77 billion Yuan, involving Agricultural and Sideline Products Processing, Industry, High-tech Industrialization, Resources Comprehensive Utilization, Urban Construction, Traffic and Environmental Protection, Modern Service Industry, Culture and Tourism and Property Right Transfer. These projects, available both in national industrial policy and investment trends and closely linked with advantages of resource and industry of Shaanxi Province and China's "Eleventh Five-year Plan", promise a bright market prospects. Welcome home and abroad investors to Shaanxi to find their own best projects and partners, creating a bright future together!

来源: 西部网 作者: 编辑: 何始玉

·公安部培训五百新闻发言人 孟建柱:拓展民意沟通
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